If you’ve ever booked a professional massage before it’s probably because you were trying to get pain relief or help managing stress and/or anxiety. Our massage chairs can help relieve pain and anxiety but those are just a few of the many health benefits that you’ll get with a Zen Awakening massage chair from Litehouse.

Zen Awakening Massage Chair Delivers a Massage Tailored for Your Body
Cutting edge technology called ShapeDetect, allows Zen Awakening massage chairs measure your height and the width of your body from your head to your toes. This allows the right amount of pressure to be applied to ensure your massage is targeting the areas you need massaged the most, while making sure to perform a tailor made massge for users of all shapes and sizes!

Trigger Points on Hands and Feet: Reflexology
Zen Awakening massage chairs have FootReflex and PalmReflex features that apply pressure and massage both the hands and feets. This is similar to a “reflexology” type of massage which is used to trigger pressure points that correspond with internal organs. Additionally, massaging the feet is known to relieve bunched of muscles and tendons in the foot which radiate relief to the rest of the leg (which is why foot rubs feel so good)! Reflexology massages over the years have also been pinpointed to help aid digestion and alleviate pain for people with digestive disorders.

Increase in Blood Circulation
Zen Awakening massage chairs have many special features that are designed to increase blood circulation in the body. An increase in blood circulation helps the efficiency of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system. In short, when you help increase your blood circulation more oxygen is carried to your heart, bones, muscles and organs. This can help benefit anyone’s health but it is especially important to pay attention to for people with diabetes which causes poor circulation particularly in the legs and feet. Zen Awakening massage chair models that offer ReCirculate, ShoulderCompress, HipShape (which massages the waist, glutes and hip flexors) and CalfMassage. ReCirculate is a special feature that allows you to place your arms in the armrest of our chairs. ShoulderCompress massages the shoulders, HipShape massages the waist, glutes and hip flexors and the CalfMassage massages the muscles in the calves. All of these techniques utilize air compression to ensure the right type of pressure is used to massage.

Back Pain Relief
Zen Awakening’s MassageWave technology rubs on the back so it feels like an actual masseuse…except it never gets tired! The MassageWave makes sure to get the entire span of your back, from you shoulders all the way down to your knees. This feature feels so wonderful on the back it’s the reason why it’s many of our customers’ favorite!

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
Lack of sleep is not only annoying, it’s damaging to your health and recovery. We hear over and over again from our customers about how well our massage chairs help restore their sleep! Some of our Zen Awakening massage chairs offer ZeroG technology which elevates your feet and evenly disperse weight throughout your spine. This means that if you fall asleep in one of our massage chairs you don’t have to worry about the blood pooling towards the bottom of your legs and feet! On restless nights when our customers can’t sleep, they sleep in their Zen Awakening massage chair!

Relieving Anxiety and Depression
Almost everyone would agree that a massage makes you feel better and takes away stress, but have you ever wondered why? Some studies on depression and psychological response have shown that while undergoing a massage, the brain releases the neurotransmitter, dopamine (a.k.a “the happy hormone”).
For many, just allocating time every day to take a break from all the stress in life and dedicate one hour to massage has a positive impact on their overall health and wellness. Spending time in Zen Awakening massage chairs is a chance for you to escape from daily stress without stressing out how to fit a massage into your busy schedule!

Athletic Recovery
If you or a loved one are a serious athlete than you probably know how important massage is to recovery. Massage helps increase blood circulation and manually helps move lactic acid out of the muscle into the circulatory system so it can be flushed out. Lactic acid is what makes people feel sore and it’s imperative for an athlete to push it out of their muscles to facilitate recovery. All Zen Awakening massage chairs offer HeatTherapy technology. Use this feature to help increase blood flow to certain areas of the body that may need extra recovery. It can be particularly helpful on joints as it will help increase range of motion.

Lowering Blood Pressure
Massage can help lower blood pressure by combining the physical and psychological benefits. That’s a fancy way of saying that when you decrease stress and increase blood circulation throughout the body, it can have positive effects on lowering your blood pressure. Massage was once thought of as a luxury but the overall health and wellness you receive from massage chairs is more about committing to a healthy lifestyle and preventing illness and injury.

By: Zen Awakening

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